I am always fascinated how people spend their time. Seriously, what do you do all day?
Here is a very typical weekday for us::
We wake up anywhere between 6am-8am. I turn on music right away. Penny breastfeeds at 8am and then plays with toys while momma has her breakfast and tries to start writing for the day.
If it's nice we try to go for a walk before the scorching Montana sun hits. ;)
If it's not good walking weather we'll play toys, read books, have dance parties, etc.
I try to put Penelope down for a nap anywhere between 10am-11:30am. Every day kind of differs, she lets me know when she's tired. This is when I usually take my shower - if I do it while she's awake she tends to cry the whole time.
*Penelope's naps range from a 10 minute cat-nap to an hour and a half coma-snooze!
Penelope eats real food at noon (or whenever she wakes up from her mid-morning nap). Lately she's been eating a pureed meat (EX: chicken & sweet potato, meaty spaghetti, etc.), a pouch of Ella's Kitchen fruit and/or veggie, and then some Gerber prunes. The girl EATS I tell ya!
Around 1pm we typically head out to get the mail at the post office, go grocery shopping, or do any other errands in town. If we don't have errands to run we'll play some more. Or I'll have Penelope play in her high chair while I meal prep. I will also try to do laundry and clean the house during this time.
We are working on a 3pm nap, it doesn't always happen, but if it doesn't then someone likes to nap around 6pm and that makes for a very late night. :/
Penelope eats again at 4pm.
*In the next month or so I'm going to ween her off of this feeding so she's only breastfeeding twice a day (morning and night). I'm still not 100% sure how these transitions are supposed to go, but I'm doing my best in figuring it out.
I'll start dinner anywhere between 5-6pm, depending on what we're having.
Dadda gets home between 5:30-6pm. He'll take the babe so I can finish dinner.
Our nights differ all the time. Sometimes we'll go to a friends, sometimes we'll have people over, or we'll keep it just the three of us.
If we're at home Penny gets a bath around 7:30pm.
8pm is her last breastfeeding.
Penny goes to bed anywhere between 8:30-10pm. I usually rock her to sleep and then she's out for the night. We have been pretty lucky when it comes to her sleeping through the night. I was a major sleeper before I had her though. We're talking 10-12 hours a night that I would sleep - that was even before I was pregnant! So the 8 hours max that I've been getting has been a little rough, but I know, I know...we are LUCKY we even get eight solid hours!
**Am I crazy!? I still breastfeed my baby that started getting teeth at
four months! I made the personal decision that I wanted to breastfeed
her until her first birthday and then start weening her to be done by 13
months. She has bit me a couple of times - once she broke skin. OUCH!
But she only does it when she's teething really bad. I ended up flicking
her in the mouth, and I think she learned her lesson. I read up on all
of the benefits of breastfeeding vs formula and to me, since I can do
it, I don't see any reason not to. I do realize that there are woman who
are physically incapable of breastfeeding, and I don't think you're a
lesser mother because of it. I also realize everyone has their own
personal reasons for doing one or the other for whatever amount of time.
I won't judge you, so please don't judge me.**
The life of staying home is not what I expected it to be. I thought I would have ample time to read, write, pamper myself, and get all of the housework done with extra time leftover. Instead my time is taken up mostly by feedings and diaper changes. Life is good though. Life is so good. I feel incredibly blessed to get this opportunity, and any "free time" I get is that much more sacred.
I've had a couple people ask me if I'm bored yet. Are you kidding?! How is there time to be bored?? There is constantly something to do and a little someone to entertain!
Every morning starts with coffee. It's a must for me. Some days call for two cups! |
Penelope likes to be dramatic while crawling toward me. |
During one of our many dance parties. |
I made some sun-tea today! Yum!! |
The girl sleeps in the most awkward positions. I constantly check on her to make sure she's breathing. |