I'm a mother to TWO beautiful girls!
Lillian August joined our family on February 8th, 2015! At just 18 months old, Penelope has proved herself to be a wonderful, sweet big sister!
The transition to two under two hasn't been without trials, but for the most part we've found a pretty good groove.
I will say a few things have amazed me. When I say amaze, I mean this in a -- I can't get over it, it shouldn't shock me but it does, sort of way.
These things are as follows :
1. Poopy diapers.
How do two little humans create so much waste!? It is beyond me! I honestly feel like every time I turn around I'm changing another dirty diaper.
2. Spit up.
Lilly will have burped wonderfully making me think we're in the clear and then SURPRISE -- projectile spit up all over herself and me!
Penny has developed a new trait of spitting out half chewed food that she used to love but all of a sudden decides she doesn't like any more.
Between the three of us I'd say we go through at least six outfits a day..which equals LAUNDRY!
4. Crying.
Myself included here.
Girls are emotional creatures. Sometimes the meltdowns are easily "fixed." Other times I feel like it's endless tears until dadda comes home. We have yet to all three cry at the same time, but I'm sure that day is coming.
Those four things pretty much sum up my days.
People aren't joking when they say being a mom is a full-time (24/7) job!
Some days I applaud myself for accomplishing vacuuming. Because honestly, vacuuming has become a struggle.
I constantly find myself thinking : "How am I ever going to find the time to...?"
But you know what, my girls are happy & healthy. My husband and I are happy & healthy. God is good! Life is good!
So who cares that the mail hasn't been checked for a week, or the bathrooms haven't been deep cleaned in who knows how long because I read my girls 26 books today and did all the characters voices and facial expressions to go along with them. I changed 12 diapers. I kissed 3 "boo-boo's."
I have more important things to do now that I have TWO girls to raise, right?!
Alright, maybe I'm just talking myself out of vacuuming again. ;)