Monday, November 2, 2015

A Day In The Life...part 2...with two!!

What is it that I do all day? I was thinking about my last post and was feeling like I do nothing, and yet I do everything! [Hope that makes sense!] So this morning I decided to write down our Monday and see what it is that we do! Here goes! 

3am - Woke up to Penny (2 years and 1.5 months old) screaming. Zach went in and calmed her.
Lilly (7.5 months) woke up and was soothed with just the pacifier! Small victory for this tired momma!

4am - Lilly woke, soothed with pacifier.

5am - Lilly woke, breastfed back to sleep.

6:45am - Penny woke up, Zach got up with her. 
Lilly woke up, breastfed back to sleep.

7:30am - Zach left for work.
I made a french press of strong coffee, and peanut butter toast for P and myself.
While Penny watched some Netflix (typically Curious George! Today was Veggie Tale's..) I checked social media. Then I worked on the week's menu plan & grocery list. 

8:40am - poured my second and last cup of coffee. [Still so tired!]

9am - L woke up. Changed her diaper.
Did dishes (from the morning and then usually there's a few from late night snacks - i.e. popcorn!). 
Put some sweet potatoes in the oven, and steamed some carrots -- baby food!
Organized some kitchen cupboards.
Girls had dance party / played with toys in living room!

9:45pm - made carrot, pear, dash of lemon juice food and fed L. Of course P wanted a few bites too, then she asked for trail mix. [The girl and her snacks!]
Started first load of laundry.

10:15am - four wipes and a new diaper later, Penny's poop is in the trash! 
Clipped all three of our nails.
Penny wanted her hair up - she never asks!!
Put new sheets on the bed - Lilly cried the entire time!

10:35 - got both girls dressed. 
Tried to get a picture of them both sitting and at least looking at me with somewhat happy faces - unsuccessful.
Sweet potatoes finally finished. 
Started 2nd load of laundry.

10:45am - Breastfed L while P played.
Cut sweet potatoes up.
Played with the girls.

11:40am -
Put Penny down for a nap because she was throwing a fit, showered (I even shaved!), got ready (including brushing teeth, blow-drying hair, make up, & dressed)! All that in 30 minutes people - I don't mess around! 

12:10pm - put Lilly down for a nap. Meaning she ate on one side - really half a side, then I held her until she was in a deep sleep and laid her in her bed.

12:35pm - the house is finally quiet (minus background music), and I don't know what to do with myself! Do I try and nap? Read a book? Check social media again? Just sit and do nothing? 
I decided on grabbing a handful of wheat thins and reading a book.

12:56pm Lilly woke up.
I continued reading while holding her/sitting next to her. I can't stop midway through a chapter.

1:30pm - Penny woke up.
Threw 2nd load of laundry in dryer.
Quick lunch for P & me.
Grabbed a snack for Penny. (I'm telling you - this girl and her snacks!)
Girls in car seats, loaded up car. 
Off to Kalispell (30 minute drive).

Post office to mail bills.
Grocery shop.

3:45pm - unload groceries and put away the fridge & frozen items.
Loaded up trash and did a dump run. 
When we got home I put the rest of the groceries away.
Unloaded dryer and dumped it all on my bed.
Breastfed L. 
Played ball with the girls.

5pm - folded and put away laundry.

5:10pm - started dinner [taco rice]. 
Put away all of the dishes from the day.

5:20pm - Zach got home! [So incredibly thankful I don't have to do this [whole raising kids thing] alone!!]
Ate dinner.
Fed Lilly more carrot concoction. 

6:10pm - Lilly started losing it, and I realized she had only napped 20 minutes today. So pajamas & a goodnight breast feeding. 
Praying she sleeps through the night -- or at least until 5am!! 

6:35pm - Lilly woke up.
Family played toys in Penny's room.
Zach and I decided to get Penny in her pj's and give her milk and then do yoga. 
*We started a 30-day challenge yesterday.*
Interrupted by Penny screaming for no apparent reason. 

7:21pm - Currently sitting on couch, each one of us holding a child, not doing anything! 
So much for a peaceful yoga experience tonight.

7:55pm - Barely got through the end of yoga. Zach put P to bed. 
Watched The Office - we started re-watching from the beginning, we're on the last season.

8:45pm - Tried a final feeding and Lilly is out! 

I wanted to post this to hopefully give hope to any stay-at-home parent out there who feels like you live a mundane life, like you're not doing anything but the day-to-day tasks..I am here to say, you matter!! 
[I might just be giving myself a pep talk here!]
Seriously though, you matter! 

Your role in your home is so dang important! Cherish it, enjoy it, excel at it! 
Be the best you can be! 

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