Monday, October 24, 2016

20 Things I Want You To Know & Remember

Dear little love,

I promise to always love you. 
I promise to always welcome you with an open heart & arms. 
I am beyond blessed that God gifted me with you.
I am here to help guide you in creating a wonderful life...

20 things I want you to know & remember. 

1. Love God. Above all else, pursue relationship with Jesus. Every day should start with, "Hello, Jesus!" and end with "Goodnight, God!" Pray without ceasing.
2. Go on adventures; no matter how big or small. 
3. Be a great friend.
4. Create. Play. Draw. Paint. 
5. Read something every day.
6. Get outside as much as possible. Breathe in the fresh air. Explore the outdoors. 
Skip. Jump. Run. Climb. 
7. Ooze positivity. You & those around you will benefit greatly.  
8. Accept others for who they are. 
9. Exude the fruit of The Spirit : love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control.
10. Keep it simple. 
11. Be confident in who you are.
12. Maintain your health : body, mind & spirit.
13. Love well. Love God, family, friends, acquaintances & strangers. 
14. Laugh often.
15. Enjoy your life. Enjoy the good, bad, ugly & beautiful. 
16. Sometimes all it takes is remembering to "just breathe." 
17. Admit when you're wrong & always apologize if you need to. 
18. Never lose who you are by trying to impress someone else. 
19. Make family a priority.  
20. You are enough. Quit comparing. You were created because this world needed a YOU! We need your stories, passions, experiences, failures & love. This world was meant to exist with you & everything you have to offer. So just be YOU! 

I'll love you forever,

Friday, October 7, 2016

Children's Books


My mother was a librarian for 14 years of my childhood.

What did this mean for me?

I spent a gazillion hours in the public library thumbing through an assortment of stories.

I was carried away to distant lands. I had fictional friends. I learned & dreamed & explored.

Reading is magical. 

We have so many favorite children's books!
Here are some of our most favorites...

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones 
I Love You Through & Through by Bernadette Rossetti 
Giraffe's Cant Dance by Giles Andreae
Llama Llama Nighty Night by Anna Dewdney
Geraldine's Big Snow by Holly Keller
A Porcupine Named Fluffy by Helen Lester
Panda-monium! by Cynthia Platt
The Mitten by Jan Brett
The Twelve Dancing Princesses by Marianna Mayer
Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin by Tad Hills
God Knows All About Me by Kate Toms
Are You A Cow? by Sandra Boynton
Ten Little Ladybugs by Melanie Gerth
Witzy's Fun Bath by Katie Kobble
P-O-T-T-Y by Kathy Ireland

I encourage you to read to your children! 
Open up new world's for them.
Create a special bond through reading together. 
I promise you, your child(ren) won't be the only one benefiting! 


Monday, October 3, 2016

Sober October

Hello friends,

            I want to share with you a decision I made. I want to make a public confession. And I want to share so I'm held more accountable.

In July I started feeling a constant, dull, but throbbing pain in my abdomen and back. 
I felt tired all of the time. 
I "lost it" multiple times a day [crying & yelling].
After a few times of keeling over in such intense pain, falling asleep in the middle of the day, negative pregnancy tests, and 100% not feeling like myself, I finally went to the doctor. 

Blood work, an ultrasound, and a CT scan later I still have no answers. 

I started drinking because it was the only thing that numbed me. 
I'm not sure if it numbed the pain or my mind, but I "felt better" with a drink or two in me. 

Fast forward to the end of September ::
I gained so much weight that none of my jeans fit. 
A night without drinking would reveal the pain in my abdomen & back was still very present.

Masking the initial issue with drinking is not healthy. 
It's not healthy for multiple reasons. 
I'm sure you all are thinking, "DUH!" 

Sometimes you have to figure stuff out on your own.
People can have the best intentions, but their words are hollow unless you yourself desire the change. 

I had to make the decision to quit drinking for 31 days on my own.

Three days into a sober October and I am realizing a few things ::
I have a very addictive personality. 
I thrive on routine. 
I enjoy wine, very much.

By putting this out here for whomever to read; I'm promising not only myself, but you [the reader], that I'm going to commit to not drinking for the full 31 days of October. 

Cheers to health, wealth, happiness, and a sober October! 

With love,