Tuesday, April 14, 2015

A nursing mother's wardrobe.

Boring. Horrible. NOT fashionable.
Those are things that come to mind when I think of my wardrobe while I'm nursing.
I'm going to be real honest here; I lose the "baby weight" really quick and am back in my jeans within two months (it was a week with Penny). I do have a tiny pooch that hangs over my pants while I'm sitting, but that went away around 3 months with Penny. Even though its not huge it still bugs me so I wear shirts and dresses that hide it.

My criteria for nursing friendly clothing :
1. Can easily be pulled down. The other option is to pull your shirt/dress up, but that can expose your stomach (even though I always wear an under-tank), lay on your babe's face, etc. I just prefer to pull my shirt/dress down, it's easier and feels more natural for me.
2. Loose-fitting, but not outrageously baggy to where I look super frumpy.
3. Nothing that I'll be super bummed about if it gets ruined. Your baby will most likely spit-up on you. Both my girls have spit-up, puked, pooped, and peed on me.
4. Layers! One second I'm stripped down to my tank top, the next I need a parka. For whatever reason nursing gives me hot flashes.

The past few weeks I've been seriously depressed about my clothing options.
I spent all my Christmas and birthday money on new clothes that I knew I wouldn't feel good about wearing until I was done nursing, but that's no fun! I want to look somewhat cute instead of looking like a haggard mom with no sense of style whatsoever.

So here you have a couple of my most recent outfits.

Shirt : Ross, maternity
Cardigan : Forever21
Jeans : American Eagle straight leg

Tank top : Ross
Cardigan : Forever21
Jeans : American Rag
My favorite pair of jeans, purchased off a Facebook site.
I could never afford them new. :)

Had to take a picture of this fringe. I felt trendy!  ;)
 This last outfit I'm not too sure about. Maybe it's the jeans. Maybe it's too "frumpy." I couldn't decide tucked or un-tucked.
Dress : thrift store, Old Navy
Sheer cardigan : new with tags at thrift store, H&M
Jeans : American Eagle
They're a strange straight leg because they have a slight flare at the very bottom

Good 'ol "mom hair"
Translation : I don't have time to shower every day.

What are your favorite nursing-friendly outfits?
Any advice for this momma?

Poop Explosions!

Oh my gosh you guys! I WISH someone would have shown me this trick earlier!!!!
So Penelope had three poop explosions that I can remember. When I say poop explosion I mean up the back, down the legs, up the front..you get it. With all three of those I seriously struggled to not get poop all over (even more so than it already was). I would pull her onesie off and as it was going up over her head it definitely smeared in her hair, once on her face, just EVERYWHERE!
So now with Lillian, I'm like, "hey..pro here." NOPE! And let me tell you, I don't know if we've made it three days without an explosion from this little one. It's not the diaper size (I've tried switching). So with all these explosions I was losing my mind! We're talking bath after bath, up to five in one day. So one night I'm scrolling through Pinterest and there it is : my godsend! Thank you Jesus for the person who figured this out! May this help you, whoever you are changing newborn poop explosions!

They created onesies with that fold-over flap so you can pull it DOWN over their arms, and down their body so NO MORE POOP IN THEIR HAIR (or on their face)!!! I just can't tell you how much I appreciated seeing this and now a poop explosion ain't no thang!

I hope that this helps at least one person as much as it has helped me!