Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4 Ways To Be "Wild" When Married and/or A Parent

Dearest friends, 

How are you? Truly? 
I am coming out of a season of depression. But it was also a season of growing & learning.
And a season of figuring out what's most important to me.
I've been realizing how many different ways life can go. 
As a wife & mom I pride myself in being the source of stability. 
I am the constant. I am who they can always count on.  
I get the mundane daily tasks done. 
But I also don't want to get so caught up in routine that life looses it's fun-factor! 
I just read a quote :: wild wife = wild life.

So here I have written :

Four Ways To Be "Wild" When Married and/or A Parent

*This is the toughest one for me because I constantly think 
"how will this affect my husband/daughters?"*
Get to know yourself!
What makes you happy?
Take time to meet a friend for coffee/wine/whatever floats your boat.
Go for a drive or run errands - all alone!
Then you can come back refreshed - even if it was just a five minute drive to the gas station to pick up anti-diarrhea meds.
Being a little selfish doesn't mean leaving on a month-long sabbatical to get your head on straight while spending gobs of cash that you don't have to spend. I know we could all use one of those - but don't be that selfish!
Most of the time when you take time for yourself you become a better, happier you.
Happier you = happier people around you.

Spilled milk? I'm pretty sure someone somewhere has given a tutorial on how to clean it up.
No need to throw a bigger tantrum than your two-year-old.
Practice being care-free.
Roll with whatever life throws your way.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Daily dance parties!

Again - daily dance parties!
Kids do stuff without caring what people think - you should follow suit.
Quit worrying about being judged.
Let your insecurities fly out the window.
Laugh! Have fun!

Don't be afraid to go on adventures together.
The thought of a whining child, or a complaining spouse are enough to make anyone want to turn around. But I encourage you to push through!
Have an interest in something but it's too expensive? Search Craigslist or Facebook Sell Sites.
Ask friends & family if they have one you can borrow, give you, or chip in for.
A lot of times you just need to vocalize your want in order to receive it.

I hope you all feel a little more confident finding your WILD!

* wildflower * wildcat * wildfire * wildcard *wildebeest

So much love to you,      

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